Friday, February 1, 2008

Ayurvedic Floral - Listing A.


1. Ayurvedic Name.Aamattali.
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Scientific Name.Trema orientalis Blume. (Sponia orientalis Planch). Family.Urticaceae.
Features:A medium sized tree grows up to 20 meters in height. Leaves are simple, alternate, stipulate and acute. The leaf base is frequently unequal. Leaf margins are finely serrated, and the young leaves are rough and hairy. Flowers small, inconspicuous and greenish, carried in short dense bunches. They are usually unisexual, occasionally they are found together. Fruits are small, round and green, becoming black when ripe.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, pitta, epilepsy, diabetes, fever and infection. Useful part : Leaves, Bark.

2. Ayurvedic Name.Aanakuruntotti.
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Scientific Name. Sida rhombifolia Linn.
Features:A semi woody, erect annual or perennial undershrub grows up to 1 meter in height. Leaves are variable, Rhomboid-lanceolate, serrated at apical half; flowers yellowish white, solitary, found in leaf axils. Fruits schizocarp, enclosed within the calyx. Seeds brown colored and smooth.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, pitta, pain, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, burning sensation, and urinary retention. Useful part : Root.

3. Ayurvedic Name.Aanathumba.

Scientific Name.Urtica parviflora Roxb.
Features:An erect biennial herb grows up to 60 cm in height. Leaves are solitary, alternate, dentate, chordate base, with minute hairs, which produce intense itching when touched. Flowers are minute, greenish yellow, seen in long axillary panicles, with numerous minute seeds.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, fever, hemorrhoids, arthritis, rheumatic fever, and malaria. Tender leaves are used as vegetable. Useful part : Leaves.

4. Ayurvedic Name.Aanatottavadi.
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Scientific Name.Mimosa invisa Linn.
Features:A diffuse undershrub grows up to 2 meters in height. Leaves bipinnately compound, pinnate 2-4 digitally arranged with 20-30 pairs of leaflets; leaves are touch sensitive. Flowers pink in round heads; fruits bristly pods, flat, consisting 3-5 one seeded segments. Plant is having inwardly curved thorns in all parts.
Plant is not having any medicinal property. Instead a slow acting poisonous alkaloid called mimosin, which affect Kidney very adversely, leads to renal failure. So by any way the use of this plant should be banned in ayurvedic preparations, as the chance of adulteration by this plant to Lajjalu (Mimosa pudica) is high.

5. Ayurvedic Name.Aanattakara.
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Scientific Name.Aanattakara.
Features:An annual or binneal shrub grows up to 2.5 meters in height. Leaves compound, paripinnate, leaflets oblong, obtuse, membranous; flowers seen in long terminal spikes, yellow and showy. Fruits green angulated dehiscent pods, contain numerous compressed brown colored ovate seeds.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, pitta, inflammation, ringworm, cough, bronchitis, asthma, other skin diseases, intestinal worms, poison, constipation, hemorrhoids, alopecia and sexual weakness. Useful part : Leaves, Flowers, Roots.

6. Ayurvedic Name.Aanjili.
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Scientific Name.Artocarpus hirsutus Lam.
Features:An evergreen, tall tree grows up to 75 meters in height. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, stipulate and hairy; bark grayish brown; flowers are unisexual, male female flowers are seen in single tree; fruits globose, about 10 cm radius, covered with spines all around; seeds woody, small and are embedded in the yellow edible pulp.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata and pitta, anorexia, burning sensation and sexual weakness. Unripe fruit cause vitiation of tridosha and rakta, and cause indigestion and impotency. Ripe fruits are cooling, and aphrodisiac. Bark cures diarrhea, pimples and ulcers.

7. Ayurvedic Name.Aasali.
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Scientific Name.Lepidium sativum Linn.
Features:An erect, annual herb grows up to 50 cm height. Leaves variously lobed, entire, leaves in lower part are petiolate, and upper sessile; flowers white small and found in recemes. Fruits obovate pods, about 5 mm long, with two seeds per pods.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, urinary retention, colic, indigestion, painful diarrhea, pain, and arthritis and work as a stimulant. It induces production of breast milk. Useful part : Root, Leave, Seeds.

8. Ayurvedic Name.Aatunarivela.
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Scientific Name.Aatunarivela.
Features:An annual herbaceous plant with sticky pods. Leaves compound, 3-5 foliate, palmate, flowers yellow in lax racemes from the leaf axils. Fruits capsules, hairy and covered with sticky material. Seeds kidney shaped and turns dark on ripe.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, intestinal worms, colic, stomach upset, cardio myopathy, diarrhea, fever and dyspepsia.Useful part : Whole plant.

9. Ayurvedic Name.Aaveeram.
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Scientific Name.Cassia auriculata Linn.
Features:A large shrub grows up to 2 -3 meters in height. Leaves paripinnately compound, leaflets 10-12 pairs, ovate-lanceolate, large stipule at the base of each compound leaf. Flowers yellowish, in axillary and terminal corymbs. Fruits pods, brown when ripe contain 10-15 dark brown seeds.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, kapha, skin diseases, ulcers, diabetes, diarrhea, worm infestation, conjunctivitis, and nocturnal emission.Useful part : Root, Bark, Leaves, Flowers, Seeds.

10. Ayurvedic Name. Aavil.
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Scientific Name. Holoptelea integrifloia.
Family. Ulmaceae.
Features: medium to large sized glabrous deciduous tree grows up to 30 meters in height. Bark whitish yellowish grey; exfoliate with regular intervals and with offensive smell when cut. Leaves simple alternate, elliptic, entire glaberous with cordate base. Flowers greenish yellow. Male and bisexual flowers mixed in short racemes near leaf axils. Fruits are sub orbicular samara with membranous wings.Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, hemorrhoids, skin diseases, dyspepsia, flatulence, colic and vomiting. Grinded leaves cure alopecia when applied externally. Useful part : Leaves, Bark.

11. Ayurvedic Name. Adakkamaniyan.
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Scientific Name. Sphaeranthus indicus Linn.
Family. Asteraceae.
Features:A spreading aromatic herb with spreading glandular hairy stem and branches with purple or pink flowers. Stems with toothed wing, leaves alternate, toothed. Flowers are terminal, globose, head inflorescence.The plant pacifies vitiated vata, pitta epilepsy, migraine, jaundice, fever, cough, hemorrhoids, helminthiasis, skin diseases and as nervine tonic. Useful part : Whole plant.

12. Ayurvedic Name. Adapatiyan.
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Scientific Name. Holostemma ada - kodien Schultes.
Family. Asclepiadaceae.
Features: Perennial laticiferous woody climber. Leaves are simple, opposite, and cordate. Flowers are whitish purple in color, as axillary umbellate cyme. Fruits thick follicles, about 9 cm long and pointed. Roots are long, irregularly twisted, thick and cylindrical.Plant pacifies vitiated tridoshas, diseases of eye, ear, burning sensation, cough, fever and diabetes. Useful part : Root.

13. Ayurvedic Name.Adalotakam.
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Scientific Name.Adhatoda beddomei C.B.Clarke. (Justicia beddomei (Clarke) Bennet.).
Features:A large shrub or small tree grows up to 3-4 meters in height. Leaves simple, opposite, ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate and shiny. Flowers arises from axillary condensed spikes, white; fruits capsules.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, kapha, cough, bronchitis, asthma, inflammation, hemorrhage, hemorrhoids, diseases of eyes, and bleeding diarrhea.Useful part : Whole plant.

14. Ayurvedic Name.Adambuvalli.
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Scientific Name.Ipomoea pes-caprae (Linn) R.Br.
Features:A trailing perennial herb grows extensively in sandy shores. Leaves lobed, alternate, glabrous with parallel venation. Flowers large, purple, solitary; fruits ovoid capsule, seeds 4 per capsule dark brown.Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, inflammation, skin disease, boils, wound ulcers, hemorrhoids and burning sensation. Useful part : Whole plant.

15. Ayurvedic Name. Agatti.
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Scientific Name. Sesbania grandiflora (Linn.) Poir.
Family. Fabaceae.
Features:Small, soft wooded tree grows up to 9 meters in height. The plant is short living and quick growing in nature. Leaves are 15-30 cm long and pinnately compound. Leaflets are 40 – 60. Flowers are long with beautiful, fleshy, white, pink or red petals. Pods are 30 cm long, flat or 4 cornered. Seeds are pale and about 15-30 in numbers per pod.Plant pacifies vitiated vata, rheumatism, fever, arthritis, scabies and night blindness. It is one of the richest natural sources of vitamin A. Useful part : Seed, bark and leaves.

16. Ayurvedic Name. Akasatondi.
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Scientific Name. Passiflora foetida (L.) M.Roem.
Family. Passifloraceae.
Features:An annual tendril climber grows over hedges and bushes. The stems are thin, wiry and woody, covered with sticky yellow hairs. The leaves are three to five-lobed and viscid-hairy. They give off an unpleasant odor when crushed. The flowers are white to pale cream colored, about 5-6 cm diameter. The fruit is globose, 1-3 cm diameter, yellowish when ripe, and has numerous black seeds embedded in the pulp; the fruit are eaten and the seeds dispersed by birds.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, inflammation, pain, insomnia, depression and anxiety disorders. Useful part : Whole plant.

17. Ayurvedic Name.Akasavellari.
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Scientific Name.Passiflora leschenaultii DC.
Features:A perennial glabrous tendril climber grows over large trees. Leaves simple, alternate, broad, ovate, acute, and pale green colored. Tendrils arises form leaf axils. Flowers small whitish arises from axils. Fruits large, oblong, and yellowish green colored.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, burning sensation, constipation, flatulence, dyspepsia, urinary retentions, calculus, and skin diseases. Tender fruits are used as a vegetable. Useful part : Fruits.

19. Ayurvedic Name. Akkikaruka.
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Scientific Name.Anacyclus pyrethrum DC.
Features:A perennial plant with numerous branches. Leaves simple, alternate, stalked, and acuminate. Flowers ray, white colored with purple color beneath. Fresh root when tasted produces pungent sensation and induces salivation.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, paralysis, nervous weakness, dental pain, tonsillitis, headache, epilepsy, indigestion, diarrhea, sexual weakness, impotency and erectile dysfunction. Useful part : Roots.

20. Ayurvedic Name. Alpam.
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Scientific Name. Apama siliquosa.
Family. Aristolochiaceae.
Features:The plant is found mostly in hilly part of Western Ghats. An erect perennial shrub grows up to 3 meters in height. Leaves alternate oavte-lanceolate, about 15 cm long. Upper surface rough. Flowers are small whitish, found in axilla of leaf. Fruits are pods, with 3-4 seeds within.Plant pacifies vitiated tridoshas and a good remedy for stomach ache and poison bites. The unripe fruit when chewed cures acute stomach pain. Useful part : Seeds, leaves.

21. Ayurvedic Name.Amara.
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Scientific Name.Lablab purpureus Linn.
Features:A long perennial twinner. Leaves compound, trifoliate, about 25 cm long, flowers papilonacious, seen in recemes, white or pink; fruits whitish green pods with 3-6 whitish or dark colored seeds.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, pitta, inflammation, colic, and urinary retention. Immature pods are edible, used as vegetable. The seed powder stimulate breast milk production (galactagogue) Useful part : Leaves, seeds.

22. Ayurvedic Name: Ambal.
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Scientific Name:Nymphaea stellata.
Family: Nymphaeaceae.
Features:According to Indian mystics, lotus is the better half of sun while water lily is of moon. The aquatic plant has roots firmly on the bottom of a pond or river, while the leaves and flowers float above water-level. There are different varieties of water lilies found in Indian water bodies. The plant is also found as an ornamental plant in almost all over the world. Aambal is the Malayalam word for the plant. Water lily is used in different Ayurvedic medicine preparations too. The rhizome is the main usable part. It is used in the treatment of diarrhea, certain skin diseases, piles, and diseases that affect urinary tract and kidney. The leaves and seeds of the plant are used in stomach upset.

23. Ayurvedic Name. Amukkuram.
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Scientific Name. Withania somnifera (Linn.) Dunal.
Family. Solanaceae.
Features:An erect branching shrub grows up to 150 cm in height. Leaves are ovate and alternate, up to 10 cm long. Flowers are greenish or greenish yellow arises from leaf axils. Fruits are globose berries, become reddish orange when mature and closed by the persistent calyx. Roots are fleshy, cylindrical and tapering towards the end with whitish grey color and pure white inside.Plant pacifies vitiated vata, nerve weakness, impotency, oligospermia and arthritis. The roots are aphrodisiac and stimulant, widely used in rejuvenative ayurvedic formulae. Plant has immuno-stimulant action Useful part : Root and Leaves.

24. Ayurvedic Name. Anachuvadi.
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Scientific Name. Elephantopus scaber Linn.
Family. Asteraceae.
Features:A perennial rigid herb found in dry localities. Leaves obovate, mostly spreading rosette on the ground and hairy on both surfaces, usually 10-20 cm long. Flowers purple on head inflorescence, fruits achenes of 4-6 bristles dilated at the base.Plant pacifies vitiated vata, pitta, toxins, cough, and cardiac ailments. Useful part : Whole plant.

25. Ayurvedic Name.Analivegam.
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Scientific Name.Alstonia venenata R. Br.
Features:Small tree growing up to 6 meter height with grayish brown bark and bright yellow hard woody root. Leaves are simple with the whorls of 3-6 lanceolate membraneous leaves with wavy margins. Flowers are white, terminal, subumbellar cyme. Fruits are fusiform, stalked and beaked follicles, tapering both ends. Seeds are flat with tufts of hair in each end.Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, cobra bite, skin diseases, other venomous bites, epilepsy, fever and otalgia. Fruits are useful in insanity and epilepsy. Useful part : Root, Fruit.

26. Ayurvedic name:Ankenda.
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Scientific Name.Acronychia pedunculata.

27. Ayurvedic Name.Ankolam.
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Scientific Name.Alangium Salvifolium Wang.
Features: small, thorny deciduous tree/ shrub which grows up to a height of 5-10 meters. Bark yellowish, leaves alternate, elliptical and usually unequal at the base; flowers-yellowish white, fragrant, in axillary fascicles,fruits 1-2 seeded,1cm in length,1-2 seeded berries crowned by the calyx lobes.Plant pacifies vitiated pitta. It is anti-hypertensive, antidote for several poisons especially for rabies. Roots are useful for external application in case of rheumatism and inflammation. Fruits are used in treatment of hemorrhages.Useful part : Seeds, Leaves, Root.

28. Ayurvedic Name.Ambazham.
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Scientific Name.Spondias pinnata (Linn.f.) Kurz.
Features:A medium sized deciduous tree grows up to 25 meters in height. Leaves imparipinnately compound, about 30-40 cm long; flower many in terminal panicles; fruits are fleshy drupes with woody endocarp surrounded by fibers; unripe fruit are light green colored, which changes into yellow when ripen.
Plant pacifies vitiated tridosha, dysentery, diarrhea, otalgia, dyspepsia, and general debility. The unripe fruits are often used for making pickles. Useful part : Roots, Bark, Leaves, Fruits.

29. Ayurvedic Name.Appopantadi.
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Scientific Name.Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston;
Features:A perennial lactiferous climbing shrub grows on bushes and hedges. Leaves simple opposite, long petioled, oblong, acuminate, base chordate, shiny with prominent nerves. Flowers pale green seen in axillary drooping umbels. Fruits capsule about 25 cm long containing numerous seeds crowned with silky hairs, which aid in wind dispersion. Stem is fibrous and dark green.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, skin diseases, diabetes, cough, jaundice, worm infestations, ulcers, wounds, fever and constipation. Useful part : Roots, Leaves.

30. Ayurvedic Name: Arali.
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Scientific Name. Nerium indicum.
Features:Arali (Nerium indicum) is an ornamental plant known for its bright pink to red flowers. Though the flowers make great visual display, they are also highly poisonous. The plants grow as big shrub, reaching a height of 3 m. The milky secretion from leaves and seeds has toxic effects. The plant is grown in almost all parts of Kerala India, except in frosty and desert conditions. Propagation can be either through stem cuttings or seeds. Arali, also common oleander or pink oleander has different medicinal properties too. It is used as a diuretic, expectorant and emetic.

31. Ayurvedic Name.Aralu.
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Scientific Name.Terminalia chebula.
Features:The fruits are credited with laxative, stomachic, tonic and alterative properties. The fruit pulp is used as a dentifrice to cure bleeding and ulceration of gums. The dried powdered fruit is given for diabetes, sore throat and for blood purification.

32. Ayurvedic name:Aralu.
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Scientific Name.Terminalia chebula.
Features:The fruits are credited with laxative, stomachic, tonic and alterative properties. The fruit pulp is used as a dentifrice to cure bleeding and ulceration of gums. The dried powdered fruit is given for diabetes, sore throat and for blood purification.

33. Ayurvedic Name.Aranamaram.
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Scientific Name.Polyalthia longifolia (Sonn.) Thwaites.
Features:A tall evergreen tree grows up to 45 meters in height. Leaves simple, alternate, acute, with undulate margins; flowers greenish yellow in axillary fascicles. Fruits are small globose berries.Plant pacifies vitiated vata, pitta, inflammation, fever, skin disease, diabetes, hypertension and worm infestation. Its bark is used as an adulterant for Saraca asoka.Useful part : Whole plant.

34. Ayurvedic Name.Arutha.
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Scientific Name.Ruta Graveolens.
Features:Arutha (Ruta Graveolens) is an perennial shrub that grows to a height of about 4-5’. The plant bears bunches of yellow flowers with about one cm diameter. The fruits bear many seeds. Use of arutha as a vegetable or for culinary purpose is almost completely absent in India. It is reported that arutha had culinary importance in such cultures like Greek. Arutha (English name is Rue) is used in homeopathic and Ayurvedic medicines. It is a wild variety found in forest or semi forest areas. The oil extracted from arutha plant is anti-spasmodic and anthelmintic. It is used in the treatment of epilepsy (hysteria) and amenorrhoea.

35. Ayurvedic Name.Arinellikka.
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Scientific Name.Phyllanthus distichus; Ciccus acida.
Features:Medium sized deciduous tree grows up to 20 meters in height. Leaves simple, opposite, ovate, base cordate, acute, upper surface covered with cuticle. Flowers white and axillary; fruits round with corrugated surface – star shaped, contains single stony seed.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha vata, hemorrhoids, urinary calculus, indigestion, anorexia, bronchitis, cough, and anemia. Useful part : Leaves, Root, Fruits.

36. Ayurvedic Name.Aripoov.
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Scientific Name.Lantana camara Linn.
Features:An erect much branched evergreen smelling shrub grows up to 5 meters in height. Leaves simple, opposite, ovate, acute, dentate and both side rough. Flowers small, yellow to red colored found in heads; fruits fleshy drupes. Green when young and dark blue on ripe.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, convulsions, malaria, epilepsy, tooth ache, wounds, ulcers, swelling, skin diseases, fistula, pustules and arthritis. Useful part : Whole plant.

37. Ayurvedic Name.Arayal.
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Scientific Name.Ficus religiosa Linn.
Features:Large spreading deciduous tree. Leaves are alternate, cordate, shiny, long petioled, with linear lanceolate tail. The receptacles occurring in pairs, axillary, depressed globose, purplish when ripe.Plant pacifies vitiated pitat, kapha, skin diseases, inflammation, poison, neuralgia, constipation and gynecological diseasesUseful parts : Bark, Leaves, Tender shoot, Fruits, Seeds, Latex.

38. Ayurvedic Name.Arogyapacha.
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Scientific Name.Tricopus zeilanicus.
Features:Plant mainly found in dense forests in Western Ghats. Small perennial herb grows up to 30 cm in height. Leaves are dark green colored, triangular and smooth. Leaves arises form underground shoot. Flowers are very small. Fruits are dark brown similar to the cardamom fruits. The unripe fruits are edible.Plant pacify vitiated kapha, retain vigor and vitality, relieve anxiety, prevent body changes due to ageing, expels accumulated poisons, Immuno-modulatory and aphrodisiac. Fruits suppress hunger and relive exhaustion. Useful part : Leaves, Fruits.

39. Ayurvedic Name.Asokam.
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Scientific Name.Saraca asoka (Roxb.) de Wilde.
Features:A medium sized evergreen tree grows up to 10 meters in height. Leaves are pinnate, about 40 cm long having 2-3 pairs of lanceolate leaflets. Flowers are beautiful, orange colored in dense corymbs flowers are fragrant. Fruits are flat pods. 4-8 seeds per pods, ellipsoid and compressed. Bark is dark brown with warty surfaces.Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, menorrhogia, leucorrhoea, stomach pain, diabetes and bleeding through anus. Useful part : Bark, Leaves, Flowers, Seeds.

40. Ayurvedic Name.Ayamodakam.
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Scientific Name.Trachispermum roxburghianum (DC.) Craib. Family.Apiaceae.
Features:Annual shrub, grows up to 100 cm, plant wholly covered with microscopic hairs. Leaves compound, with several segments. Inflorescence compound umbel, up to 120 flowers. Fruits covered with microscopic hairs. Seeds are small, with a peculiar fragrance.Plant pacifies vitiated kapha and vata. Increase pitta and digestive fire. Seeds have antiseptic diuretic and anti inflammatory properties, cure digestive problems and cardio-myopathy. Useful part : Seeds.

41. Ayurvedic Name. Ashoka Pothu.
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Scientific Name.Saraca indica.
Features:The bark of this tree is used for uterine affections especially menorrhagia, bleeding piles and dropsical swellings, The flowers are used for haemorrhagic dysentery. The bark is applied externally for the treatment of fractures of bones.

42. Ayurvedic Name.Asokachetti.
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Scientific Name.Ixora macrothyrsa Linn.
Features: perennial shrub grows up to 3 meters in height. Leaves simple, opposite, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, short petioled, and shiny. Flowers arises form terminal umbels, and bright red in color. Seeds small greenish berries, become purple when ripe.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, pitta, burning sensations, eczema, ringworm other skin diseases menorrhagia, leucorrhea and general weakness. Flowers are used to impart color for herbal preparations. Useful part : Fruits, seeds, petals, fruit extracts.

43. Ayurvedic Name.Athachakka.
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Scientific Name.Annona squamosa Linn.
Features:A small tree grow up to 8 meters of height. Leaves simple, alternate, lenceolate, with prominent central nerve. Flowers solitary greenish yellow; fruits yellowish green globose with several compartment; fruit pulp enclosed several stony hard, black seeds.Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, constipation, burning sensation, anemia, vomiting, cough, malignancy and general tonic. Root decoction is a powerful purgative. Powdered seed kills body and hair lice on external application. Useful part : Fruits, seeds, Roots, Leaves.

44. Ayurvedic Name.Athipazham.
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Scientific Name.Ficus carica Linn.
Features:A moderate sized tree grows up to 15 meters in height. Leaves simple, alternate, large, ovate, acute, cordate and hairy. Flowers seen in receptacles, arises from the axils of old leaves. Upper part of receptacle occupied by female flowers and lower part male. The ripen receptacle, saikonium, contain large number of small whitish seeds.Plant pacifies vitiated vata, pitta, burning sensation, burning micturition, sexual weakness, constipation, hemorrhoids, cough, intestinal worms, wounds, ulcers and general debility.Useful part : Fruits, Latex.

45. Ayurvedic Name:Atiranipoovu.
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Scientific Name.Osbeckia wayanadensis C.B. Clarke.
Family:Melastomataceae (Rosaceae).
Features:An erect perennial shrub grows up to 2 meters in height. Leaves simple, opposite, ovate-lanceolate, acute, and prominently veined, both surfaces are scrubby. Flowers bright red to pink colored and showy. Fruits fleshy hips enclosing small and blackish seeds.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, inflammation, urinary tract infection, hemorrhage, menorrhagia, hemorrhoids and leucorrhea. Presence of this plant is an indication of pure underground water. This plant is on the verge of extinction due to water pollution and manmade destructive activities. Useful part : Whole plant .

46. Ayurvedic Name:Atitippali.
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Scientific Name.Scindapsus officinalis (Roxb.) Schott.
Features:A large perennial climber, growing on trees and rocks. Leaves large up to 30 cm long with numerous holes and teeth. Flowers densely arranged in the cylindric spadix, with green spathe. Fruits are berries. The mature inflorescence is used as medicine.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, diarrhea, cough, bronchitis, pharyngitis and worm infestation. Useful part : Dried mature inflorescence.

47. Ayurvedic Name:Atti.
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Scientific Name.Ficus racemosa Linn.
Features:A moderate sized deciduous tree grows up to 20 meters in height. Leaves simple, alternate, ovate or elliptic, acute, and glabrous; receptacles small subglobose or piriform, in large clusters from old nodes of main trunk. Green colored and turns to reddish when ripe.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, skin diseases, diarrhea, hemorrhage, menorrhagia, constipation, hemorrhoids and urinary system diseases.Useful part : Root, Bark, Leaves, Fruits, Latex.

48. Ayurvedic name:Attikka Pothu.
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Scientific Name:Ficus racemosa.
Features:An infusion of the bark or the expressed juice of the unripe fruits is given for menorrhagia, haemoptysis and urinary diseases.

49. Ayurvedic Name:Atukottappala.
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Scientific Name.Aristolochia bracteolata Lam.
Features:A perennial weak stemmed herb grows up to 40-45 cm length. Leaves simple alternate, ovate or reniform, chordate at the base; flowers solitary with large sessile bracts at the base; fruits oblong or ellipsoid capsules. Seeds compressed with cordate base.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, vata, poison, intestinal worms, edema skin disease and indigestion. Plant decoction induces labor pain. Useful part : Roots, Leaves.

50. Ayurvedic Name:Avilpori.
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Scientific Name.Ophiorrhiza mungos Linn.
Features:A small undershrub grows up to 60 cm in height. Leaves simple, opposite, lanceolate, short petioled and acute. flowers white in subumbellate cymes; fruits coriaceous capsules. Seeds numerous, angular and pale brown.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, wounds, ulcers, worm infestation, snake poison, skin diseases and cancer. Useful part : Roots.

51. Ayurvedic Name:Ayyappana.
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Scientific Name.Eupatorium triplinerve Vahl. (Eupatorium ayapana Vent).
Features:An erect annual herb, grows up to 90 cm in height. Leaves simple, opposite, lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous, subsessile; flowers light blue, tubular coryms; fruits 5 sided truncated.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, pitta, dyspepsia, hemorrhage, hemoptysis, menorrhagia, wounds, edema, ulcers, stomatitis, cardiac debility, skin diseases, poison bites, cough, asthma, bronchitis and general debility. Useful part : Whole plant.

52. Ayurvedic Name:Azantha.
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Scientific Name.Pajanelia longifolia K.Schum. (Pajnelia rheedii Wt.).
Features:A moderate sized deciduous tree grows up to 18 meters in height. Leaves large, pinnate, with soft rachis, leaflets ovate or elliptic, acuminate, glabrous; flowers large, bluish purple outside and pinkish white within, seen in large erect racemes. Fruits flat capsule, about 80 cm long, enclosing many flat winged seeds.Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, inflammation, rheumatic arthritis, sprains, edema, neuralgia, colic, diarrhea, wounds and gouty arthritis. Useful part : Root, Leaves, Fruits Seeds.

53. Ayurvedic Name.Azhukanni.
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Scientific Name.Cressa cretica Linn.
Features:An erect small dwarf shrub grows up to 40 cm in height. Leaves simple, numerous, subsessile, ovate acute, with hairs; flowers white in small clusters; fruits ovoid capsules, pointed at the apex; seeds usually solitary.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, pitta, asthma, bronchitis, dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, anorexia, anemia, diabetes and skin disease. Useful part : Whole plant.